Chandrayaan-2: ISRO's most ambitious mission till date has been called off minutes before its launch... Know here what was actually the reason

Image credit: The News Minute

The Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO], one of the most successful and reliable space organization in the world, recently witnessed a last-minute mess-up in its most anticipated as well as delayed lunar mission namely Chandrayaan-2.

We all know that this mission was very important on the basis of past moon exploration achievements of Chandrayaan-1.

However, this time ISRO had gone at a new high with embedding a lander & a rover with the satellite.

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The whole country impatiently waited for its launch date. The Mission received several best wishes from people associated with several fields.

The ISRO chief K Sivan too himself visited several worship places to pray the god of the mission's success.

The rocket launcher namely GSLV Mark-III was chosen to take the satellite in space along with the lander & rover. Indians were much excited prior to the launch as they came across the ready-to-launch pics of Chandrayaan-2.

Image credit: Scroll

The launch was to be done from the Satish Dhawan Space Station or SHAR, Sriharikota on the early morning of 15th July 2019 Monday at 02:51 am

And more in it, the launch was opened for viewing purposes for general public form the stadium-like viewing gallery made facing the launch site.

Everything was set at SHAR before the launch and just the countdown was ticking towards the launch-time within a few minutes but something unexpected happened -56:24 mins before the launch-time.

Time of mission abortion
Image credit: IndianDailyLive

It went in a way that, before the launch, a technical slag was observed in the rocket launcher which could cause problems later-on and can lead the mission towards failure.

Meanwhile, the mission was very complex and very ambitious. So realizing those future system threats, the scientists at ISRO decided to abort the mission and fix-up the issue.

The statement was announced soon at the early morning of Monday by ISRO. The news soon spread countrywide but the patient was maintained among the Indians and the faith on scientists at ISRO has remained unaffected.

So after the abortion of the mission, the series of tests will be performed and the essential changes will be made in it after emptying the fuel tank in the rocket.

However, these technical issues will take about 10 days to get sought out and then the new launch date will be announced soon by the respected authorities.

K Sivan - ISRO Chief
Image credit: The Wire

By the way according to our opinion, the step taken by ISRO is up to the mark as ample amount of hopes & money were inverted it.

However, it would maintain ISRO's image of the most reliable space agency in the world and Indians would proudly applaud it on the upcoming successful launch of Chandrayaan-2.

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