Solar: the full-fledged installations of solar can invite many dangerous & severe problems in the future

solar in India
Image Credit: Maps of India-Livemint

➥India is one of the fastest developing nations on the globe & it needs an unstoppable as well as a reliable source of fuel to write it's destiny.

➥And the thing is the same as every country needs to speed up its growth and anyhow increase their GDP but are dumped under the terribly increasing prices of non-renewable fuels like Petrol, Diesel, etc.

➥So everyone and especially India needs the best alternative in order to get rid of the liquid expenditure of money on importing petroleum products as well as polluting the environment through power plants.

➥The only option left is the energy source which is renewable like solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, hydro energy, etc.

➥And among the above-mentioned alternatives, solar energy can be chosen as the best one for India as it can be established in the areas receiving plenty of sunlight which can be located anywhere in India.

➥Just take a look at the solar map of India:

solar map India
Image Credit: Energy Alternatives India

➥Other than this it also reduces the electricity bills up to a very major extent and this factor gives the idea of solar a boost in India as the Indian markets are very price sensitive.

➥But these above shining advantages blur several factors which are or will tend to become the demerits of solar energy.

➥Initially the future profits from solar installation baits the public which leads them to ignore the other side of the coin.

➥Not talking with you about the costing issues, let's think that

is solar energy 100% eco-friendly???

solar panel layers
Image Credit: HahaSmart

The answer is no!!! 

➥Yaa it definitely reduces air pollution which's caused by thermal power plants, vehicles, etc but the negative and dark side too cant be neglected.

➥The solar panels themselves are a reason for pollution. However, it's not visible now but has a full potential to become a big reason for pollution in future.

➥The solar panels are embedded with the photovoltaic cells and their production process involves the use of several hazardous components in small-small amounts.

➥The waste excreted from the module manufacturing units can also gain a huge figure and contribute a big part in the pollution pie chart in the coming years.

solar panel manufacturing
Image Credit: Public Radio International

➥Their casual disposal can affect the soil-water very brutally which will invite degradation in the natural elements comprising in both flora & fauna.

➥The recycling can be the alternative or a solution to this issue but no such hope to tackle the issue could be visible now and in the near future.

➥The recycling technology is in its child state and is not capable to recycle the module on the economically feasible basis.

➥The government has tied up the ropes for the full-fledged installations of solar panels on small as well as large scales.

➥In order to make it more viable, several policies are also moulded but there's no serious mention of the solution that how the environmental issues related to it will undertake.

➥According to the government and the policy makers, an adequate solution to the issue is in its way and subjected to be implemented in the upcoming years.

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