Earth Day [पृथ्वी दिवस]: reason, purpose & effect of earth day... come and do these things to save mother earth

Image credit: One Earth Film Festival

22nd April, the entire world on this day celebrates Earth Day. Some do so just for the sake of celebration while some really want to spread awareness in their surrounding.

The idea of Earth Day originated in the US in the year 1970 and this moment was initiated by Gaylord Nelson & John McConnell.

Image credit: Time Magazine


  • Some series of events were responsible to enlighten the desire to spread common awareness to save Earth.  
  • One was a manmade disaster, Santa Barbara oil spill in 1969 at the Santa Barbara sea coast in California. over 3 million gallons of oil spilt in the ocean.
Image credit: Los Angeles Times

    • It killed over 10 thousand sea lions, seabirds, seals & dolphins. It led the public aware of how hard they are hammering on the mother Earth. 
    • It encouraged several groups of people led by environmental activists to fight this disaster. 
    • In those days the industries in the US carelessly emit wastage in the environment which was an issue that geared up the moment. 
    • And of course, one reason was definitely a turning point in the field of environmental conservation. 1962 Rachel Carson's bestseller Silent Spring was sold in 2,00,000 copies across 24 countries.
    Image credit: Amazon


    • In the year 1970, the US streets were flooded with protesters to establish a sustainable environment by fighting against some curses like oil spills, power plants, pesticides, etc.
    • Another purpose was to openly oppose nuclear weaponry and nuclear tests conducted by several countries.
    • And the purpose of choosing 22nd April was that more and more people can participate.
    • The initiative was to unite everyone globally and withstand against the powers causing adverse effect to mother Earth.


    • The initiative had soon taken a giant form and today it's celebrated in all 195 countries.
    • It led the ban on harmful pesticides, DDT, etc. The moment of cleaning the rivers & air also followed. The encouragement of adopting solar just came from this moment.
    • Several initiatives to save various endangered species of both flora & fauna were followed. And it's successful too as many species who were on the verge of extinction are prevented from being extinct.
    • Several international summits are organised every year to discuss issues related to this and a series of several serious agreements are also signed pledging to work on the environment protection.
    • The moment too inspired Elon Musk to set up Tesla and introduce the new era of electric cars...
    Image credit: Time

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