India's Anti satellite missile: India glowingly emerges as a global space power... A-SAT tested under "Mission Shakti"

Image credit: Hindustan times

The Indian PM Narendra Modi today addressed the nation on all the news broadcast channels, revealing the country's biggest feat in space, "The Mission Shakti".

Today India successfully have tested the "Anti-satellite missile" acronymly known as A-SAT, which is capable to hit & destroy any targeted satellite in space which was 300 km away from earth surface. 

India has become the 4th member of space-power countries' group. Firstly by the United States of America, then in 2007 by China and the last one was by Russia in 2015. 

The Indian A-SAT test was conducted on a pre-targeted live satellite in LEO (Lower Earth Orbit) in just a timelapse of 3 minutes.

Image credit: ABP live

The test was named Mission Shakti. It required a very high level of technology as well as mechanical capabilities because it was not any geographical location targeted missile test, it had a target in space.

Here it's important and very delightful to know that the A-SAT missile used in the test was totally developed in India by DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation).

Image credit: ANI news

PM has heartfully congratulated all the dedicated scientists and workers responsible for this historical feat and extraordinary achievement in areas of space defence technology.

Today in the modern era of science & technology, Satellites are as important as any of the electrical device and knowingly or unknowingly responsible for the development causes around us.

Today satellites are used in almost every field or area possible, like in farming sector, disaster management, in defence, communication, entertainment, Television Broadcast (TV), navigation, education, weather updates, fishing, transportation, etc. 

Today satellites have become an inseparable component of the functioning of any country and one day they might become essential for livelihood, so they need to be treated as a valuable resource and also need to be protected.   

PM has assured the international community that the move is the footstep in the path of assuring security to Indian satellites and it's not aiming to cause any kind of threat or destruction globally.

Because India has been a constant offender of space ware, the move will not cause any change in the country's policy. It also not violates any international laws as well as any of the peace treaties.

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